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Since 1949, the United Methodist Foundation in Northern Illinois is committed to excellence by enhancing the stewardship ministry of local churches and church-related agencies. The Foundation encourages lifelong generosity among United Methodists in the region. Our ministries include:

  • Grants funding to encourage creative ministries throughout northern Illinois

  • An exemplary investment program for local church funds with several options to meet specific investment goals

  • An annual stewardship summit to inspire and resource local church leaders

  • Assisting donors who wish to make charitable gifts

  • Consulting with local churches on building endowment and planned giving programs

  • Providing workshops, resources and leadership on a variety of financial stewardship topic

  • Who needs a will? Every adult who owns anything and who care about what happens to it, everyone who cares about their family, and everyone who wants to include their church’s future in their estate planning needs a will.

  • Your will is the proper place to name the guardians for your children should both parents die while the children are still minors. Pick their guardians yourself, rather than leaving this decision to the courts (as will happen if you do not have properly drawn legal documents). 

  • Is your current will keeping up with you? Does it reflect your Christian commitments? Make sure your will is up-to-date. 

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