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Contact us:





5 W. Washington St.

P.O. Box 695

Oswego, IL 60543

While we remain flexible to work with our students needs, we also know children thrive with some routine. 

Preschool Daily Schedule

• Arrival

Wash hands, fine motor warm up activity

• Group Time

Welcome Song, Read a Story, Introduce new concepts and discuss daily plan

• Gross Motor Room

Activities change daily and could include:

balance beams, stepping stones, hula hoops, balls, parachute, scooters, etc

• Jolly Phonics

Phonics program with story, songs, and guided writing

• Small Group Activities

Groups of 3 to 4 children working on a specific activity, such as:

writing practice, using manipulatives to create patterns, playing board games, creating art, science experiments, cutting, and more

• Snack

Prayer and a school provided snack,

meeting Illinois State Board of Education requirements

• Free Play
Choice of activities around the room including blocks, dramatic play,

writing center, sensory table, science area

• Dismissal

Occasional Mystery Reader, packing backpacks,

independently putting on jackets, goodbye prayer

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